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THW Revoke citizenship of individuals who participate in terrorism overseas. (GOVERNMENT) Context The recent outbreak of the IS (Islamic State) has brought international attention to fighting terrorism. The war on terrorism itself is not a new concept. International communities have been trying to eradicate the act of terror, particularly after the 9.11 attack in the United States. Yet, the problem is, we are not winning this war so far. As a matter of fact, the recent i.. 2019. 6. 7.
THW amend the constitution to allow the presidents to re-run for office [Proposition] Democratic nations such as Korea, Philippines, Mexico and 10 other nations, have limited presidents to re-run for office. Such system does not guarantee democratic principles and should amend its constitutions to get rid of the limitations. Majority of nations, such as the United States, allow presidents to run for office more than once. We also support such approach, but in additi.. 2019. 6. 6.
THW ban "Il-Gan Best" [Proposition] Clarification: We are not banning "Il-Gan Best" simply because they sometimes post inappropriate things. We propose to ban "Il-Gan Best" since it’s undemocratic, and poses serious harm to our society. Moreover, we are willing to ban another interment websites that have identical characteristics and harms to our society. Constructive Case 1: What is "Il-Gan Best" and what kind of ha.. 2019. 6. 5.
Should Physical Education remain compulsory? Proposition Problem Identification: 1. Society tend to under appreciate the importance of Physical Education 2. Many children are becoming seriously obese from a young age Definition: Compulsory Physical Education means that all schools must fulfill minimum amount of physical education class. A1) Characteristics of P.E and the Need to make it Compulsory 1. What is unique about P.E classes in sch.. 2019. 6. 4.
THW not tax the poor PROPOSITION Poverty is an urgent problem even though most people don’t feel it. While some people celebrate the invention of advanced technology and scientific breakthrough, others struggle everyday due to food shortage and extremely low standard of living. We believe that such extreme poverty infringes the basic rights of human. Therefore, eradication of poverty should be one of the priority of.. 2019. 6. 1.
본 의회는 디자이너 베이비의 활용을 허용할 것이다. 찬성 반대 논거 1. 한 사람의 인생을 바꾼다. 현재 디자이너 베이비는 희귀 혈액 질환이나 암 등 불치병을 앓고 있는 자녀를 치료하기 위한 목적을 가진 기술입니다. 희귀 혈액질환이나 암 등을 앓고 있는 자녀를 치료하는 데 이용할 줄기세포를 얻기 위해 시험관 수정기술을 통해 질환 자녀의 세포조직과 완전히 일치하는 특정 배아를 가려내 이 가운데 질병 유전자가 없는 정상적인 배아를 골라 탄생시킨 아기를 말합니다. 그 예를 들자면 최초의 디자이너 베이비는 2000년 8월 29일 미국에서 탄생했습니다. 유전질환을 가진 6살 여자아이를 치료한다는 목적을 가지고 이 기술이 사용되었고, 아이는 골 수이식 3주일 만에 정상적인 생활을 할 수 있었습니다. 유전질환으로 평생토록 고통받아야만 했던 아이가 디자이너 베이비를 통.. 2019. 5. 31.
THW prefer a short and successful life over a mundane healthy life PROPOSITION Prime Minister Mr.Speaker, ladies and gentlemen, members of the house - When Viktor Frankl, a Jewish psychologist, was detained inside Auschwitz during the Holocaust, he observed his fellow prisoners to find out what kind of people survived until the end. His observations are shocking. Because it wasn’t the strongest people who had survived until the end, it wasn’t the smartest peopl.. 2019. 5. 30.
THW ban parking lots in megacities Proposition -PM Introduction: Side government believes that private vehicle use unquestionably produces vast pollution in megacities. Motor vehicles are the single largest contributor to air pollution emissions. We believe this not only lowers the efficiency of commuting but also lowers the quality of life of residence in the megacities. To minimize such harms, we believe government must reduce .. 2019. 5. 29.
THW allow the creation of “Designer Babies” [Proposition] Prime Minister Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen and members of the house – throughout the human history, we’ve been overcoming life-threatening diseases have been one of the top priorities of any society. The development of new technology such as Nano-technology would best reflect the human efforts.` As an extension of such effort to overcome diseases and increase the quality of l.. 2019. 5. 24.
개발도상국 올림픽 개최를 반대한다 찬성 측 1. 투자의 우선순위 인간의 삶에 있어서 가장 우선적으로 충족시켜야 하는 욕구는 의식주에 관한 욕구다. 현대 사회에서 의식주에 관한 국민의 욕구를 충족시키기 위해, 모든 국가는 경제 발전에 힘을 쏟는다. 일반적으로 발전을 하지 못하고 오랫동안 개발도상국의 지위에 머물러 있는 국가들의 공통점으로는 흔히 중화학 공업 중심의 산업 체제로 전환이 잘 되지 않는다는 점을 들 수 있다. 즉, 개발도상국들이 발전을 하기 위해서는 중화학 공업을 육성하기 위한 정책이 필수적으로 수반되어야 한다는 것이다. 이러한 개발도상국들이 보유하고 있는 자원들은 굉장히 한정적이기 때문에 투자를 동시다발적으로 할 수 없다. 이런 상황에서 개발도상국들이 자국의 산업 발전을 위해 투자하지 않고 그 한정된 자원을 올림픽 유치를 위해.. 2019. 5. 24.